Children will prepare for First Penance as part of their FHC catechetical year. Handouts given at sign in for Mass for 4 weeks prior to First Penance will help guide parents in preparing their child for this special sacraments of forgiveness.
A Parish must be centered around the Table of the Lord’s Word (the Ambo) and the table of the Lord’s Sacrificial Supper (the Altar) to reach its fullest potential. Most preparation for First Eucharist takes place at Masses on select weekends; children are prepared to join the community at its table at special ‘Learning Masses’. Contact the RF Office for more details at 908-284-2929. Adults wishing to celebrate First Eucharist should enter the OCIA program.
Dear Parents and Catechists of children in First Holy Communion Preparation,
Our Parish supports you in your vocation as the primary religious educators of your children. Preparation for FP/FHC (First Penance / First Holy Communion) involves sharing the “basics” of the Faith, but also how to apply these teachings to a child’s relationships, decisions and goals. Our combined efforts will help you understand the meaning of FHC. As your CHILD strives to clarify his or her own convictions, attitudes, and values, YOU are his or her most influential role model. Remember, “Faith is caught more than taught”.
Mariam Nawab PCL
SEAS – Three Bridges, NJ
908-284-2929 Ext 1123
“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS.127:3