Liturgical Ministries


Altar Servers
Baptismal Preparation Team
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Eucharistic Adoration
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs)
Lazarus Ministry
Linens Ministry ~ Martha’s Daughters
Liturgical Environment Committee (LEC)
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers/Greeters)
Wedding Coordinator Ministry

Altar Servers

Ministry Head:
Suzanne Wooby
908-782-1475 x1116

Children, grades 3 and up, are invited to train and prepare to join our ministry. We rehearse the roles of cross and candle bearer and spend the weekend Masses leading up to Seton Sunday observing experienced altar servers during Mass. On Seton Sunday weekend, new servers receive a special blessing and don their albs for the first time, as they are welcomed into the ministry by Father Tom and the parish community. Most participants serve at the altar of Our Lord once or twice a month on a rotating schedule and many choose to serve for special Masses such as Holy Days throughout the liturgical year. Is your child hearing the call to serve? Are you hearing the call to support the altar servers?

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Baptismal Preparation Team

Ministry Heads:
Anne & Brian Moore
908-782-1475 x1116

The Baptismal Ministry is made up of couples and their children who assist in the Christian Initiation of infants and children. We host a pre-Baptism session for expectant parents and godparents and on the day of Baptism, one or two families prepare the church, welcome the families, and assist Father Tom or Deacons Paul, Mike or Kevin with the ceremony. There is a simple beauty in watching our children prepare for the Initiation of other children. Each family usually serves in three Baptisms a year.

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Children’s Liturgy of The Word (CLOW)

Ministry Head:
Kelly Critelli

At nearly every weekend Mass, children in grades pre-K through 4 are invited to participate in CLOW. After the Collect, we lead them to classrooms to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word just as the rest of the congregation takes part in this same liturgy in the church. CLOW includes that Sunday’s readings, a reflection, the Profession of Faith and the Universal Prayer – all at an age-appropriate level. The goal of CLOW is to engage children more fully in the Mass and help them connect the Gospel message to their lives. We rejoin our families for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Leaders and aides are trained and given materials enabling them to prepare. Please consider joining us!

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Eucharistic Adoration

One of the beautiful traditions of the Church is Eucharistic Adoration when the Blessed Sacrament is placed in a Monstrance “exposed” for our worship with prayer, readings and silent meditation. It is the Source and Summit of our Seton Sunday Parish anniversary celebration when all are encouraged to bear witness, particularly those in ministry. We also ‘keep watch’ during the Sacred Triduum on Holy Thursday night and Good Friday until the Celebration of the Passion of our Lord and on Presidential Election Days. All are invited to participate and commit to one-half hour so someone is always ‘keeping watch.’ Can you hear God calling you?

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Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMs)

Ministry Head:
Carol Altomare
908-782-1475 x1116

Reverently, prayerfully, joyfully, we are privileged to be of service to the vibrant, faith-filled community of SEAS. Throughout its history, our parish has been blessed with men and women who have answered the call to this ministry. Today, over 100 parishioners serve at Mass, and bring Holy Communion to the homebound, the residents of the Hunterdon Care Center and to patients at Hunterdon Medical Center. Under the direction of Father Tom and Deacons Paul and Mike, training for EMs is provided in our parish. Diocesan workshops are also available to expand our knowledge and enhance our ability to serve.

Because of its preeminence, there are specific requirements for this ministry:

  • You are committed to the Catholic Faith into which you have been Baptized and Confirmed;
  • If you are married, you are not married outside the Church or otherwise compromised in your own sacramental life;

You meet the fundamental Catholic obligations of participating in Sunday Mass, receiving Eucharist often, and Reconciliation [Penance or Confession] as necessary;

  • You are open to the work of God as revealed in Scripture and taught by the Church and are a witness to the Gospel values of Jesus Christ, and seek to be of service to others for love of Christ.

New ministers are always needed and welcomed.

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Lazarus Ministry

Ministry Head: Contact the Parish Office

Lazarus Ministers bring to the bereaved the compassion of a loving God. We are present before, during and after funeral rites and rituals, as members of the parish community, to bear witness and lend our prayerful support to families and friends. We share the unique talents God has given us: in the liturgical ministries of the Mass; in meeting family members to plan services; and in officiating at Wake, Transfer and Committal rites. For the annual Mass of Remembrance, we send handwritten invitations, serve at Mass and plan and host a reception afterwards. We feel honored to be called to this tender ministry and welcome others who hear God calling.

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Linens Ministry ~ Martha’s Daughters

This ministry cares for the linens used during liturgies and Masses. We pick up the linens which may be stained with the Precious Blood, carefully soak, wash and iron them before returning them for the upcoming weekend Masses. We are scheduled about every other month and warmly welcome new members.

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Liturgical Environment Committee (LEC)

Ministry Head:
Karen Paul
908-782-1475 x1116

We are all about giving life to the liturgies of the Church; the living plants serve as a reminder of the gift of life God has given to the human community. Men and women, we are many: helpers, gardeners, flower arrangers, carpenters, electricians, seamstresses, decorators, those who water the flowers and plants, shoppers, ladder climbers, visitors to fabric stores and greenhouses, etc. We have seasonal meetings to plan our activities, which are announced in the bulletin, as well as those parish decorating days when we ask for your participation and help. As members of this special committee we are committed to serve the parish of SEAS joyfully with our hands, our talents and our hearts. Come join us!!!!

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Ministers of Hospitality [Ushers]

Ministry Head:
Ed Koch
908-782-1475 x1116

Ministers of Hospitality provide direction and assistance at all Masses. We welcome and seat those entering the church, take collections, direct people at Holy Communion, distribute bulletins and generally clean up after Masses. Equally important is the role we play as the “first line of assistance” and many times, the initial contact for new members and/or guests. This is a minimal time commitment ministry that yields a high level of satisfaction and impact.

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Ministry Heads:
Bob Perez & Georgann Scibilia
908-782-1475 x1116

To proclaim God’s word as a reader is a special privilege. By using your God-given gift to potentially open the minds and hearts of fellow worshippers, we share in a long tradition in our Holy, Catholic Church. Readers are given a copy of the “Workbook for Lectors,” which contains all of the readings for that liturgical year, and the SEAS “Lay Reader Handbook” that provides the step by step process of preparing ourselves and our readings. The frequency of reading depends on the weekend Mass we choose and availability on Holy Days. On average, readers proclaim twice a month. We are given the opportunity 5 times per year to indicate our primary Mass, request to read on certain days, or decline to read during periods when we may not be available. Every effort is made to develop a schedule that meets our needs.

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Ministry Heads:
Laurie Markowski & Pat Rivero
908-782-1475 x1116

Becoming a sacristan is often considered an “entry level” ministry because it requires minimal time; however, sacristans perform an important role. We prepare the church for the celebration of the Mass, the Source and Summit of our Christian life. Training takes less than an hour where you’ll learn how to set up the bread and wine which will be offered, the holy vessels which will contain Christ’s Body and Blood, the linens required by the Clergy and Extraordinary Ministers, and set the scene for the Mass by lighting candles. These duties typically take 15 to 20 minutes before Mass.

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Ministry Head:
Eileen Bufe
908-782-1475 x1116

While all are called to respect our worship space and treat it with reverence – akin to our mother’s special living room – a small, friendly group of parishioners offer services one Tuesday each month from September through June to dust and vacuum the main worship space, chapel and gathering area (narthex). This ministry particularly accommodates young families because children can come too! We enjoy each other’s company as we do our part to beautify the church and we welcome new members.

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Wedding Coordinator Ministry
908-782-1475 x1116

The Wedding Coordinator Ministry is the face of the Parish at wedding rehearsals and on the day of the wedding. A coordinator leads the rehearsal and is the main point of contact for the day of the wedding. The coordinator arrives approximately one hour before the Wedding Ceremony or Nuptial Mass to set up and make sure everything is ready. If a Nuptial Mass takes place, the coordinator may serve as a Eucharistic Minister. After the wedding, the coordinator ensures the state marriage license is properly signed, the couple is given their documents, any sacred vessels are cleansed, pews are free of any leftover worship guides and/or personal items which may have been left behind, and the church is ready for Mass. It is most rewarding to be part of this beautiful, joyous ministry, and anyone interested is most welcome to join.

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