Children’s Liturgy of the Word


LEADERS NEEDED:  We would like to be able to hold CLOW at ALL Masses EVERY weekend as we once did.  We need adults to help!  Policy requires us to have 2 credentialed people in every room where there are children.  If you are not comfortable leading, that’s okay!  Be an Aide and be present for our children.  Help us feed our children in faith in a way they can understand.

Our weekly Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is open to all children grades Pre-K-4 .

We invite our community teens and adults to share their faith with our children as Leaders of Children’s Liturgy of the Word.  No experience is required; all literature and materials are provided.

Thank you so much for the time you are spending on this. God bless you!

If you have any questions, please contact Mariam Nawab, Parish Catechetical Leader at 908-284-2929 x 1123 or

Ministry Heads:

Kelly Critelli – – Scheduling

Gina Raimondo –  –  Training