Regular Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday at 5:00 PM
Sunday at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Weekday Mass Schedule:
Monday – 6:15 PM
Tuesday through Friday – 9:00 AM
We livestream the 5:00 PM Saturday Mass which remains available for viewing on our YouTube site.
Click to view our livestream Masses
Confessions are heard on Saturdays at 4:00 PM or by appointment.
***Confessions are also heard on most Mondays at 5:00 PM. Check the bulletin each week for updates.***
Eucharistic Adoration is held on the First Friday of each month
from the end of 9 AM Mass until 10:30 AM.
All are welcome!
The church is open for private prayer during Parish Office hours and whenever Religious Formation is in session. After 3:30 PM, please use the office entrance to access the church.
Click here for recent announcements.
40th Anniversary – The Early Years
1984 – 2001
40th Anniversary – The Middle Years
2002 -2013
40th Anniversary – The Recent Years
2014 – 2024
To add an email address to the Parish database or to have your personal intentions added to the Parish Prayer Book,
email the Parish Office with anything you would like added;
each Friday we will add them to the book.