RF Registration Forms

Registration for the Fall 2024 program begins on March 2, 2024. Register by April 24, 2024 and take $50.00 off your total registration fees.

Please read the Parent Letter for information; complete the Fee Form and a Grade Form for each child in the school year program and submit to the RF office with a check made payable to SEAS.

If you would like to help as a Catechist, Aide, Hall Monitor, Substitute Catechist, or any role listed on the Time & Talent form, please complete and submit to the RF office with your registration forms.

2024 Volunteer Requirements Process

Anyone participating in the Fall program as a Catechist, Aide, or Hall Monitor must be credentialed:

Thank you for offering your time and talents as a volunteer in one of our Religious Formation programs. The Diocese of Metuchen is in the process of changing the requirements for any adult working with/or around children at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. As of May 2023, the following procedures will supersede any prior forms or instructions given to you AS A VOLUNTEER for the 2023/2024 calendar years.

ONLINE: To sign up for a Virtus – Protecting God’s Children workshop, go to www.virtus.org and follow the prompts for a First-Time Registrant.

1. Enter a User Name and Password
2. Select “Metuchen”as your location
3. Find an upcoming training date and location, register ASAP

The Virtus.org website should continue to prompt you to enter more data:

  • General Tab – you provide your personal data and volunteer role at SEAS
  • Contact Info – address 
  • Background Check – Choose Selection.com (do not choose IdentoGo)
  • Required Documents – Complete for our Religious Formation records:

HARD COPY: Please complete the attached forms and return them to the RF office for us to set up your RF personnel records. This is in addition to the forms completed online at Virtus!

If you have already completed Virtus PGC training in the past, we will need to reactivate your account. Please email me at hschuler@easeton.net or call and leave a message at (908) 782-1475 x1117 and I will notify the diocese. We will notify you when to complete the required forms on www.virtus.org.