Dear Religious Formation Ministers,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for sharing your time and talent with our children at RF during our Catechetical year September 2022 to May 2023. I am sure we have been successful in instilling Catholic values in the children of our parish. May God reward you and bless you for all your hard work.
By the grace of God we have been blessed with Catechists/Aides for this year. Welcome new Catechists/Aides, Building Coordinators, and Hall Monitors. May God grant you wisdom to spread His word through words and actions.
Be sure you are always in my prayers. May GOD continue to bless us all so that we may share to establish His Kingdom on Earth.
I look forward to meeting all of you as we begin the Catechetical year together.
God bless you and your family.
Mariam Nawab PCL
SEAS – Three Bridges, NJ
908-284-2929 Ext 1123
“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS.127:3
Resources & Catholic Publishers code: GK2J6P – set up username and password
Catechist Handouts
Food Policy Ltr from Diocese Getting Started Hints RELIGIOUS Formation opportunities Reminders for the Catechists Student Conduct Substitute Catechist job description Teaching Children Appreciation Ten tips to maintaining discipline The Catechists Aide Aide Job Description As a Catechist Catechist Job Description Catholic Prayers Code of Conduct 8th Grade